Having a bluetooth mouse connected to my laptop (ACER 4820TG) was giving me this issue:
After some time of not using the mouse, the mouse cursor wouldn’t move unless if i was clicking several times the mouse buttons to recover the connection.
Troubleshooting the issue, i found that this was caused by linux autosuspending the usb ports of my laptop (i guess it was suspending the built-in usb bluetooth module). In case you are having any similar issue with any USB device, run this in a terminal:
sudo su for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/autosuspend; do echo -1 > $i; done
This will do the trick in linux mint (lmde) and i assume in other distributions too (if they use the same autosuspend path). To check the USB ports state issue this command in terminal too:
cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/autosuspend
Autosuspend of inactive USB devices will save some power from battery but in my case — it was causing a frustration problem. Problem now solved!