21 пример использования iptables для администраторов.

Файрвол в системе linux контролируется программой iptables (для ipv4) и ip6tables (для ipv6). В данной шпаргалке рассмотрены самые распространённые способы использования iptables для тех, кто хочет защитить свою систему от взломщиков или просто разобраться в настройке.

Знак # означает, что команда выполняется от root. Откройте заранее консоль с рутовыми правами — sudo -i в Debian-based системах или su в остальных.
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Рубрика: *Ubuntu, *Unix,*Linux, *Сети | Оставить комментарий

Basic Mikrotik BGP filter rules

Below are some basic Filter Rules for Mikrotik BGP filtering.  These are not complex and can be very easily implemented on your BGP peers.

Before we get to the code there are a few assumptions
1.Your own IP space in this example is
2.These filters are not fancy and are geared toward upstream ISPs, not your own internal routers or clients.
3.If you copy and paste the below code make sure there is one command per line.  Some browsers will cut the line off and then it won’t paste right.  If in doubt paste it into notepad, textedit, etc. and clean it up.
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Рубрика: *Сети, MikroTik | Оставить комментарий

Install Graphical Desktop for ClearOS 7

A desktop environment is useful for certain applications which require a full graphical desktop manager. For simplicity and security, ClearOS comes with only the graphical console for enough Webconfig components to enable remote administration through a web browser.

ClearOS is not designed for desktop managers and installing a full desktop is highly NOT recommended. This howto is only for proof of concept and should never be implemented in a production environment. In addition, only the Community Edition is supported (this will not work in the Home and Business Editions).


You will need to install a great deal of packages and also be able to reboot the system. Because you will need to reboot, you can install the packages remotely over SSH or you can do so at the console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2.

Installing Packages

From command line, run the following:

yum update

The purpose of this command is to get the packages up to date from the subscription that you are working from. The installation of the ClearOS Desktop will update packages from additional repositories and you will want to ensure that your system is already up to date to limit the number of packages that will be sourced in your install.

Because different repos are involved in this process that are outside the repos included with your subscription, You may introduce bugs and anomalies that are not tested. As such, doing this next step may invalidate some of the support options that you are entitled to resulting in best effort support
yum --enablerepo=clearos-centos groupinstall "X Window System"
yum --enablerepo=clearos-centos install gnome-classic-session gnome-terminal nautilus-open-terminal control-center liberation-mono-fonts firefox

There will be quite a few packages that get downloaded and installed with these two commands.

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Рубрика: *CentOS | Оставить комментарий

NVIDIA GeForce Driver Installation on CentOS 7 Linux 64-bit


First update your system. We do not wand to build NVidia modules on based on outdated Linux kernel. Do a full updated and reboot your system:

# yum update
# reboot

After a restart we make sure that we have kernel devel package installed matching our currently running kernel and that compiler is installed:

# yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) gcc

Here is also a good time to visit nvidia.com and download a current NVidia driver. eg. NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-352.30.run

Blacklist nouveau driver
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Рубрика: *CentOS | Оставить комментарий

ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed [_GPE._L6F]

I recently built a PC based on Intel’s latest Skylake CPU (i5-6500) and Z170 chipset (AsRock Z170 Pro4), and installed Ubuntu 15.10 on it. After setting up, however, I found that the kernel message buffer was flooded with this error message. This is how I fixed it.


This is how to fix it: add this line to /etc/rc.local:
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Рубрика: *Unix,*Linux | Оставить комментарий